SunMaster is dedicated to providing tanning equipment that
uses less electricity and provides excellent tanning results in less time. We also
pioneered lower mercury lamps, along with our global partners. We support and practice the
ideas behind Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.
Back in the 1990s, SunMaster was the first to produce an 18 lamp tanning bed, then a 24
lamp tanning bed, that was energy efficient enough to run on a standard 120 volt, 15 amp
circuit. We pioneered energy efficient designs, and have tested dozens of different
ballasts and lamps in the effort to produce equipment that uses less electricity. This has
several benefits beyond just the environment, particularly for the salon owner.
SunMaster electronics generate up to 80% less heat than choke style ballasts, the most
commonly used type. Our latest generation of ballasts never get more than a few degrees
above room temperature, even if you run them for 24 hours straight! This means that your
salon or home doesn't heat up by using a SunMaster tanning bed. Your clients are more
2. When you replace your old tanning beds with SunMaster equipment, you will cut your air
conditioning costs. Additionally, since each bed uses up to 30%+ less electricity to
operate, your overall electrical costs will be noticably lower. Depending on your salon,
you could cut your bill by 40% to 50%, depending on your circumstances.
3. If
you are planning a new salon, or an expansion, choosing SunMaster can save you because
they require significantly less air conditioning capacity. The net results can be several
tons less of A/C, saving you install costs and perhaps allowing you to install tanning
equipment with NO extra air conditioning or additional duct work. It is easy to save $5000
to $10,000 on your air conditioning needs for a new 10 bed salon.
4. SunMaster ClearTech lamps use a new technology, and last up to twice as long as regular
lamps while requiring half the mercury. Not only does this reduce your cost per session,
but reduces your maintenance and cuts your lamp disposal in half. With new environmental
regulations being inacted in cities all over America, disposal of old lamps will become
more of an issue and may become an expense. ClearTech makes your life easier when these
regulations take place.
5. SunMaster
ClearTech lamps use a new glass that is more transparent than any other lamp glass. This
means you can get the same amount of UV in less time. Shorter tanning sessions means less
electricity, AND more clients through in a given day. You save on bills and can serve more
6. We recycle everything we possibly can within our different facilities. Not by stuffing
it in a recycle bin, but by finding new uses for old material. The lamp boxes we empty
when we manufacture tanning beds in Alabama are shipped to our North Carolina tanning lamp
warehouse, where we use them to pack mixed lamp kits. We try to find a use for every
single scrap of cardboard as well, usually as packing filler material.
7. We handle all mercury containing lamps in accordance with all federal and state laws.
This insures the next generation has water worth drinking and no mercury is dumped in the
landfill. And we will continue to develop new technologies that use less mercury, and
reduce the risk to the environment.
Obviously, the biggest factor in being more environmentally friendly is your own actions, as a salon owner or home tanning bed owner.
Never throw lamps into the garbage as they contain trace amounts of mercury. Take them to
a waste site for chemicals and paints, which most cities provide free. Use common sense
when designing your salon and avoid designs that require lots of additional lighting or
air conditioning. Replace any incandescent lamps with CFL (Compact Fluorescent Lamps) for
additional savings.
At SunMaster, we don't care about the politics of environmentalism, we just like clean air
and clean water, and try to do our part. We will keep looking for ways to make our
products more environmentally friendly, and we hope you look for ways around your home and
business to do the same. Maybe together, we can make a difference.Looking for more
information about recycling tanning lamps and other fluorescent lamps, such as CFLs?
Here are some other websites that might be useful. Note, these links take you
away from this website, and likely have different policies on privacy, etc.
Helpful Links
How to
Dispose of Fluorescent Tubes Safely
@'s very helpful guide on how homeowners can dispose of fluorescent lamps and
Mercury-Containing Light Bulbs (Lamps)
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Information for Business.
Rethink Recycling article on fluorescent lamps, with drop off points for Minnesota.
Fluorescent and
Other Light Bulbs
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources article explaining the basics of lamps and
mercury. |